...i woke up knowing that something didn't fit, that something felt wrong, but I didn't know what...
A lot of things that didn't add up... It felt overwhelming.
At some point I had the need to write, again. I waited so long that the content and message faded. And now I'm looking for the words...
I felt tired, far, quite far from my goal, of touching THAT desire with my hands. That helplessness bothered me, the helplessness of that moment. I went deeper into that uncontrollable immensity where smallness gives you away: that of your thoughts, that of your feelings...
I am an ambitious woman, I am honest about my needs. I know how to fill myself with nonconformity to the tips of my feet and then let it all go when walking barefoot through my land, by myself, inside me. For some reason I turn everything in my favor, as a survival mechanism. The tragedy, the disappointments. The situations that put pressure on my bloodstream I always overcome, one way or another. Everything becomes a challenge. And really: life is a challenge, a creative challenge, one full of truths, points of view, subjectivity. Always a challenge. How else could we grow? What would move us? The passion! But that's another topic...
I like to create and I like to be created in and by the circumstances of life, surfing in the dense mold where we accept to incorporate our spirit.
Without a doubt I am a grateful woman for perceiving life as I do, grateful for the paths taken, for the flowers that decorate my hair and for the annoying flies too! ha ha!
Everything is balance, everything is relative as a genius said, everything depends on the observer...
Observe life with compassion, it also does what it can... I like the sound of that: taking power away from the external and the helplessness of believing you cannot change things; Because if we can, many times we can. More times than we imagine.
And well, actually I just wanted to say that it is important to feel dissatisfaction, to be ambitious. Mix them, and very crazy, unmatched things can be born. Everything in its right measure, like everything in life.